First Steps
NEW TO ELBERTA CHURCH? We would love to talk to you more about who we are and why we are here! FIRST STEPS is the perfect opportunity for you and your family to meet our staff and leadership for lunch and a conversation!
NEW TO ELBERTA CHURCH? We would love to talk to you more about who we are and why we are here! FIRST STEPS is the perfect opportunity for you and your family to meet our staff and leadership for lunch and a conversation!
Join our Elberta Church Ladies as they walk through Priscilla Shirer's book Elijah: Faith and Fire! This is a class that will meet every Tuesday night (6 PM) of the summer in the church fellowship hall, and we are so excited to see what God is going to do through this Bible Study!
Our Students are going to Student Life Camp this summer. Let's as a church pray for their safety in travels and that God would work in each of their hearts.
Thank you Dads! We are excited to celebrate Father's Day with you all!
If you are volunteering at VBS this is a mandatory meeting to go over everyone's roles and what it means to serve in VBS! After training we hope that everyone who can would stick around and help decorate and prepare the campus for VBS!
Parents, if you have a new born or young child that you would like to be dedicated this is the time!
Join us for our second Feed Elberta packing party of summer 2024! This is a wonderful ministry that we get to be a part of!
Join us for this special Sunday Night as we gather on the beach for Family Prayer Night and Baptisms. If you would like to get baptized, you can sign up by clicking the box below!