About Josh

Josh was born and raised in Tacoma, WA. He enlisted in the Navy at 17, and retired after 23 years of service in December 2020. Josh holds a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science from the University of Washington and a Master of Arts in Christian Ministry from Liberty Baptist Theological Seminary. He been married to his wife, Tama, since 2002 and they have two daughters, Katie and Kylee. He has been serving in Elberta since 2019.

Contact Josh

Email | josh@elbertachurch

More About Josh

What do you enjoy about the work you do?

Leading people to grow in their knowledge and love for Christ as they serve Him.

What are your top 3 podcasts/books?


The World and Everything In It

The Briefing

Too Busy to Flush


God is the Gospel | John Piper

Prodigal God | Timothy Keller

The Caine Mutiny | Herman Wouk

What do you enjoy doing when you are not working?

Spending time with my family and tending to our herd of Nigerian Dwarf dairy goats.

Who is someone you admire and why?

My dad. He models being a Christian so well!

What is your favorite Bible verse?

“For this I toil, struggling with all his energy that he powerfully works with me.” Colossians 1:29